Saturday, August 28, 2010

Counting Down...

The date is officially set: 9 September 2010.

The day of the Big Move. The move from Hougang to Hillview Avenue, bidding farewell to 4 years of memories in this quaint estate and hello to..... I don't know ?!

When friends first heard that I am moving, the first reaction they had were, "AGAIN?"

Yes, again. But I hope it will not be for the next 5 years at least, in view that this apartment is meant to be a mid-to-long term money-making strategy.

In the last decade, (seriously!) I was like a normad, moving every 2 to 3 years. If it was not moving house, it was moving the office. I become an expert with the pre-move preparation but I most hated the packing.

I still do, to this day. No kidding.

And in less than 2 weeks to the big move, I am only about 10% done packing the stuff into boxes, because I am still in the midst of 'de-cluttering'. And my! Mummy did have a lot of clutter in this 4-room!

I shall trudge on....slowly but surely, I will get there.

In the meantime, I just remembered I need to log on to Singtel to apply for the re-direction of the telco lines.

till later.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Off to Cambodia.....

In less than 48 hours I will be off to what The Boss officially calls it... the company Family Day.

Hur hur hur....

It is that time of the year where the company rewards the staff for a job well done for the previous year and packs everyone off for a short retreat. This year, the destination chosen was Phnom Penh, Cambodia and unlike previous years, we decided on a slightly longer retreat - we will be gone for 4 days!

From the time the management gave the go-ahead for Phnom Penh, the girls will take over the plannin, playing tour consultants and tour leaders while the management becomes tourists. I see it as an 'inhouse team building' exercise and it is also a good opportunity to assess the capabilities of the team.

And I must say, over the years, they have improved by leaps and bounds. Especially when it comes to setting the 'theme' for the getaway, they never failed to stress me out trying to comply.

The first year, we went away for 3 days to Bangkok. They decided that, in line with the corporate color, everyone must wear a green on the day tour to Kanchanaburi. That was relatively simple, as I happened to have the one-and-only piece in my wardrobe.

The following year, we decided on a beach holiday so Phuket was the desination of choice. And the girls then set the theme as 'Hawaiian'. I remember going "What the...." at the pre-departure briefing. In the name of fun, I found a very 'Hawaiian' top from Island shop, bought another 6 pieces and made all the girls wear it.

We all looked like Miss Beach Holiday Phuket in our similar get-ups during our island tour of James Bond Island. We are probably on Youtube, uploaded by curious Indian tourists who thought we were doing a MTV on the island.

This year, the girls upped the ante and set a very challenging theme - Love the 80s.

LOVE THE 80s ????

Once again, I felt the stress overwhelming me. For the life of me, what exactly is 80s fashion?

My Resident Designer tried to help: "Think Boy George". Another friend offered, "How about the wife's explosion hairdo? It's somewhere in the store but I am sure we can find it for your party."

My challenge is - how do I balance obiang-ness with a touch of class?

Thank God Zara is on sale and they brought in retro fashion (which seems to be in fashion now) in their basic line. In 2 hours, I managed to load up on the necessary gear that will see me through Day 1 and Day 3 - the 'set' days where we must dress according to the theme - and some S$250 poorer.

Pics soon, for amusement.

till later.